Исходный код из видео

VBA функция замены

Sub zam(a As String, b As String)
Dim shape As Word.shape

For Each shape In ActiveDocument.Shapes
    If shape.TextFrame.HasText = True Then
        With shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Find
            .Text = a
            .Replacement.Text = b
            .Forward = True
            .Wrap = wdFindContinue
            .MatchCase = False
             .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
        End With
    End If
Next shape
End Sub

Главная функция замены

Sub main2()
Dim wdApp As Object
Dim wdDoc As Object
HomeDir$ = ThisWorkbook.Path
Set wdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
i% = 2
If Cells(i%, 1).Value = "" Then Exit Do
If Cells(i%, 1).Value <> "" Then

NPP$ = Cells(i%, 1).Text
ORG$ = Cells(i%, 2).Text
FIO$ = Cells(i%, 3).Text
TABNUM$ = Cells(i%, 4).Text
PODRAZD$ = Cells(i%, 5).Text
PROFF$ = Cells(i%, 6).Text
MESTOPRIB$ = Cells(i%, 7).Text
TCELPRIB$ = Cells(i%, 8).Text
DAYS$ = Cells(i%, 9).Text

DataC$ = Date

FileCopy HomeDir$ + "\template2.doc", HomeDir$ + "\" + NPP$ + "_" + DataC$ + ".doc"
Set wdDoc = wdApp.Documents.Open(HomeDir$ + "\" + NPP$ + "_" + DataC$ + ".doc")

Call zam("&org", ORG$)
Call zam("&fio", FIO$)
Call zam("&tabnum", TABNUM$)
Call zam("&podrazd", PODRAZD$)
Call zam("&proff", PROFF$)
Call zam("&mestoprib", MESTOPRIB$)
Call zam("&tcelprib", TCELPRIB$)
Call zam("&days", DAYS$)


End If

i% = i% + 1
MsgBox "Готово"

End Sub

Исходный код из видео - скачать архив с файлами

ZIP архив с файлами

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